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Unequally Yoked - The Pain of Marriage When Spouses are Not Spiritually on the Same Page

What happens when a husband and wife are not on the same page spiritually? This can present significant challenges in a marriage that require Divine wisdom to overcome.

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Pentecost Novena for the Outpouring and Gifts of the Holy Spirit

One of the most profound mysteries of our Faith is that by entering into the rhythm of the liturgical year, we do not simply remember things that have happened in the past and are now over, but we also — in a mysterious way — experience and participate in those very realities, these sacred and eternal things touching us in our own time. We can dispose ourselves to receive specifi...

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Carmelite Spiritual Warfare Prayer - Carmelite Invocation

Come Holy Spirit with Thy Seven-fold gifts and anoint us with Thy Divine light, wisdom, and power. Come Lord Jesus Christ and anoint us with Thy Precious Blood, freeing us from every snare and stronghold of the principalities and powers of darkness. O Mother of God, glorious and Immaculate ever Virgin Mary, come and crush the head of the ancient serpent. O great father, St. Joseph, terror of de...

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St. Raphael Novena

Novena to St. Raphael for the Financial Provision of our Our Lady of Mount Carmel Retreat and Center for Spiritual Formation DAY 1 “But I alone used to go often to Jerusalem for the festivals, as was prescribed for all Israel by longstanding decree. Bringing with me the first fruits of crops, the firstlings of the flock, the tithes of livestock, and the first shearings of sheep, I ...

30 21

A Prayer for Unity and Against Division

A prayer for unity and against division from the Apostoi Viae prayer book.

43 75

What happens when you don't pray?

During my hospitalization for Covid-19, I agreed to participate in a clinical trial to test a treatment that could be effective for those suffering from the virus. I made my last visit to the clinic today for the trial. They drew about eight vials of blood and asked me several questions. As we were talking, the nurse revealed that two other patients had agreed to the trial at the same time (...

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Passiontide - March 17th, 2024

We've been walking the desert sands with Jesus the past few weeks, reflecting upon our own sinfulness and doing what we can to make reparation for our sins and the sins of others. This Sunday, however, the Church shifts our focus from ourselves and our sinfulness to Jesus and His Passion. Today, we celebrate Passion Sunday, the beginning of Passiontide. Dom Prosper Gueranger says ...

The Degrees of Perfection - St. John of the Cross

A concise summary of St. John of the Cross that reveals the path to union with God.

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